Tuesday 25 October 2011

And The Fun Begins

Ok so I know it's been a while since my last blog, but I have been too busy staring at my new bubba to really do anything else constructive! I'm even getting distracted writing this, even though bubba is fast asleep and doing absolutely nothing! The last 2 weeks have gone so quick, but at the same time it feels like bubba has been here forever. If I was to go back a year ago, there would be no way in the world that I could imagine how much my life was about to change.

A year ago, I had just got into a relationship with my partner, so having anymore kids was the last thing on my mind. Truth in the matter was, until I met my partner, I didn't want to have anymore kids. Life has taken a complete 360 since then, and I wouldn't change any of it for a second.

I am completely head over heels in love with the new addition to our family. He is the most perfect thing I have ever laid eyes on. The moment I first looked at him, that was it. He had me wrapped around his little finger from the word go. To think that my partner and I made someone so wonderful, blows my mind. If I do say so, we are pretty damn good at this baby making thing!

I don't remember very much of the week that bubba was born, most of it is a blur. But I vividly remember the first time I looked at him. I will never forget this. All I could do was stare at him in awe. He was finally here. It felt like forever for him to get here, but looking back it was well worth the wait.

Did I mention that he is perfect lol? Some babies are born and you look at them and think 'I hope my kids don't look like that' and then you have some babies who are seriously just beautiful. Bubba is just beautiful. He has a perfectly shaped head, perfect baby skin, everything is in place and how it should be. He is a spitting image of his dad also. Perfect. No other word describes him. I could stare at him all day, everyday.

Dad has just gone back to work after having 2 weeks off with us. I am so glad that I don't have to be in his position, and leaving bubba at home for hours everyday. I couldn't do it. I'd be a emotional wreck! But as soon as he gets home, he will use any excuse to take bubba off my hands for a cuddle. I sometimes catch him just sitting there staring at bubba also. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face then seeing just how much he loves bubba. It's written all over his face. He is one proud dad that's for sure.

Sharing this experience with him is just amazing. I never thought I could fall more in love with my partner then I was before bubba was here. I was totally and completely wrong. He has given me the most perfect child, something that can never be taken away. I love him so much for this, and it's the type of love that will last forever. He has made me happier then I have ever been. Bubba is the luckiest in the world for having such a great dad, but not as lucky as we are to have him. Life is now perfect.

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