Friday 15 July 2011

This Week I'm Grateful For.......

Today we are 27 weeks and 2 days baking. Jinx is 36.8cm's (the size of a cauliflower) and weighs 0.907kg's. We have 90 days to go until our due date.

This blog I thought I would try something different that I have seen a few times @Our Whirlwind Adventures.

My 'I'm Grateful For.." is more of a shout-out you could say. This Week I'm Grateful For.....My Partner. He is the most AMAZING person I have met. He is loyal, funny, handsome, smart, brave, loving, protective, just everything about him, even the bad parts (not that I can really think of any), makes me fall more in love with him every single day.

Sure, he has a beard like a terrorist at the moment, and has this fascination with making Jinx kick me by poking my belly, but I wouldn't be who I am now without him! I have really seen a side of him in the last recent weeks that makes me admire him even more and appreciate him even more.

I have never met anyone who can drive me as insane as he can, but can make me happier then I can ever remember being at the same time. I know that he would move heaven and earth to make sure we were happy or safe.

He is going to be the most awesome father out there, this I know for sure, as he has already proved this to me with how he interacts with Master Bumblebee. I can't wait to see him hold our son for the first time, and I can't wait to see him with any other kids that come along in the future. He is my rock and I love him more than I will ever be able to put into words.

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